On 02-sep-99 14:08:50 (GMT+2) , Giovanni wrote ;

>  Hero? Try to compare Galaga! In MSX is the MSX version, a bit like to
>  NAMCO original arcade game. And in C64? Is look like a ZX81 or TRS-80
>  mod.I versions, all ships are small-boxes... Ouch!

Err.. this is like kicking in a open door, but anyway.... yes, you're right
about Galaga looking like a ZX81 version conversion.. simply because it is.
And if recall it right, it's coded in basic... ugh.

Take a look at some native C64 games coded in assembler like Green Beret,
Bruce Lee, Last Ninja, Ugh Olympics, and the ones mentioned in my previous
message, and be ready for a shock ;-) Good luck with your C64 cartridge #-)

Kind regards
Leon Lander (A1200/C128D/MSX2+)

Wise man say, don't judge about computers you don't even know.

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