On Sat, 22 Apr 2000 21:36:00 +0200, Jon De Schrijder wrote:

>note: this is not true for the existing 3.58MHz MSX'es: OTIR and LDIR
>are both equally fast. (17 cks/byte) So building the ADVRAM system into
>existing 3.58MHz MSX models is quite useless.

  I really don't know. Ricardo's tests are based on Z80 at 7Mhz. And
at 7Mhz, in the screen 8 burst mode, a MSX with Z80 at 7Mhz was more than
200% faster on video than a normal TurboR. Of course TurboR will be
even more faster. (-;
  BTW, use LDI e OTI are usually better, when working on video, than
OTIR and LDIR... But remember: OTIR is the same speed as LDIR *inside*
de Z80. And on MSX, every OUT, specially for VDP, receives some Waits...
and so, on MSX OTIR to VDP is slower than LDIR to VDP.

>However for Z180/Z380, LDIR will probably be faster and ADVRAM can be

  Well... ADVRAM is being designed for used with faster MSXs, to give them
performance. I made a mistake when I talked that the gain was 5 times on
a normal Z80 3.57 MHz... the tests were based on 7Mhz machines... (-;
(btw, a lot of people here has a CIEL MSX2 Turbo *or* a TurboR... And
Ricardo have both of them... :-)
  But of course, on ACE002 the ADVRAM will perform even better, once
the system will be prepared to it, so ADVRAM will works at maximum
speed. (-;

>I don't think it will be a major problem to include Z180/Z380 support in
>the new Compass #2.0.00 (release probably Bussum2000)

  It's nice to hear this! (((-;

>The longest instruction on Z380 or Z180 is 5 bytes long; is that correct
>? Can someone verify that ?
>MULTW nn : #ED #CB #97 #n #n

  I don't know very well their ASM, but I think you are right.

     AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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