> >By the way, an idea just popped into my mind...
> >For the Z180 CPU, eventually also an 'emulation' TSR could be made, which
> >emulates the Z380 through 'trapping' of illegal opcodes. It will be
> >slow though...
>   But it'll not "that hard" to do... But it'll only works if the Z380
> is in the first 1Mb, since Z180 only addresses lineraly the first 1Mb. (-;

There is a 64kB limit.
But anyways, the Z380 also has a mode to use the 32-bit mode but still use
the 64k adress range. That one could be emulated. And I think at first most
Z380-specific programs will be made for that mode. The extended adress range
would first require the support of an (new?) OS before it can be used in a
correct way.

By the way, to support (future) trapping, the BIOS should at adress #00
check if it is a trapping-interrupt. If yes, then it should call a (new)
hook. This will open the path for future instruction extensions.

> >I am wondering... Do the registers IXh IXl IYh and IYl really exist on
> >Z180??? I doubt it, because otherwise their locations at least should
> >been indicated (otherwise the usage of trapping on an undocumented
> >instruction will be very confusing since it does not work).
>   I don't know. But I think it's possible to "add" this instructions. (-;
> In the same way as ADVRAM works, but doing a "bridge" over Z180.

Hmmm... How will the registers be read then???

> >Or will those registers be emulated through trapping???
>   It's possible, but very slow. Timing dependent apps will suffer a lot.
> But it'll be a "fast" workaround.

I hope so.

> >That will be slow (but it'll work, and as long as the instructions aren't
> >used it is still fast) (might cause some -a lot, in fact- incompatibility
> >issues with programs using them)...
>   These instructions are very slow on MSX Z80 and R800. You shoud avoid
> using them on normal MSX. It'll be difficult, but the speed you'll gain
> will compensate the work.

Sometimes you need extra registers. And they aren't that slow. I use IX and
IY a lot. I don't use IXh / IXl etc. often, but Patriek uses them often in
GEM for example. And I know other people also use those instructions... GEM
works on a normal MSX2... If the IXh/l instructions are not there GEM will
be among the programs which don't work anymore (most other programs will
still work though... I don't think any commercial programs use the
undocumented instructions).

> >I'll read the entire 'trapping' docs... See what the possibilities are.
> >Will come back at it later.
>   Ok! (-;

Well the idea is that if an illegal opcode is encountered, it restarts at
#00000000, with the trapping-bit in an internal I/O port set (internal I/O
is not interfering with the external I/O -> there are special instructions
to address the internal I/O -> IN0 A,(n) and OUT0 (n),A)...

So to support trapping the BIOS should at adress #0000 check if the trapping
bit is set. If so, it should call a hook and otherwise proceed as a normal

By the way, on the Z380 all registers except the 'extended' portions of BC,
DE and HL (BCz, DEz and HLz) will be preserved... So that means the
enhanced -> legacy switch won't have to corrupt all registers... However it
is safer to assume they are corruped (because of possible future


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