* Author: Francisco Alvarez

Hola Laurens, la familia bien šno?

El 20-Jul-00 a las 22:15:16, Laurens Holst taladraba a no-one
          Tema: Re: A good idea?


>> The 'problem' (to call it somehow) is that this initiative depends -at a
>> first glance- mainly on Japanese users to be carried effectively. What I
>> mean is that I dunno how Europeans -and Brazilians- could participate and
>> help with this project.
 LH> >
>> I'd rather prefer that somebody would take serious this idea and think how
>> to execute it than starting another looooong and phantasizing thread.

 LH> I'll try to contact NOP for their almost-finished game TIMMM (fully: The
 LH> Incredible Micro Mirror Men).

 LH> Maybe someone can contact the authors of M-Kid (as I asked before, but
 LH> no-one replied)???

 LH> And I know there are more unfinished games...

 Akin2??? Well, I think that Cas Cremers will finish this game, btw.

 In Spain there are a lot of unfinished games. Well, I work in Paulo, the
 first game of 2005... X-D

 -=> Saludetes de Francisco Alvarez <=-

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