At 05:04 22-7-00 +0200, you wrote:
> > Hmm, but Martos did it while the games were still commercially being sold.
> > A lot of people didn't buy the games because they could copy a crack as
> > well. I don't think that's a right thing to do.
>Are you sure?

Yes he is, and I am too...  And this is why:

>Remember that those games were NOT sold in Europe !
>He and his friend (Oscar Lopez) imported hundreds of original
>cartridges and disks that ONLY were released in JAPAN.

The problem is, in Japan they thought the market in Europe was gone, so 
they didn't make them in English anymore,

>I mean Solid Snake, Quarth, Mr. Ghost, Illusion City, Fray, Discs Stations,
>Peach Ups, Super Risk, King King 2, Pennantlers, Snatcher, SD Snatcher,
>Game Collections, Aleste(s), Parodius ..... hundreds and hundreds of
>cool games that helped to keep alive the MSX system from then to nowadays.

All Japanese in a time Martos cracked games and therefore Japan wasn't 
interrested in making games for the European market because everybody 
wanted to copy them in stead of buying the originals, or else I think MSX 
would be still very much alive on commercial bases as well as we do now...

Ah well... Ancient history now... too bad those companies stopped making 
games for MSX because they could see possibillties, better commercial 
setting and better protections from copies...

GreeTz, BiFi

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