Hi,there Laurens,
That's were you're wrong...
First, I was talking about re-assembling my MSX stuff to try and play "zanac metalica", which is in a disk,not a ROM.
Second, when I bought the Luping games, they worked fine on both my MSXs.'cause they're MSX2 and the games were split into 8 bloadable parts,BLOADed by a BASIC loader...
My MSX computers are both "Talent" (made by telematica in Argentina, under Daewoo License), Model DPC-300 & TPC-310, the latter featuring Turbo BASIC...Both are MSX2, with 128MB RAM & VRAM.
The floppy is an external 5,25'', 360KB drive model talent DPF-555,which connects to the "expansion Bus" connector...
Best regards,

Laurens Holst wrote:

Uguu... 5.25" disks? Why, does your MSX2 have a 5.25" drive??? I never heard
of one who has, all MSX2's have a 3.5" one afaik, unless you're using an
(additional) external drive. Unless... you're talking about an MSX1. Mind
you that the lupin games are MSX2 games, so they won't work on an MSX1.

Furthermore, they're ROM's, so you would need a MegaRAM (or similar)
cartridge to be able to verify if they really work, since LOADROM.COM and
similar utilities generally only work for 32k ROMs which don't use memory

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