Also, I just noticed that ParaMSX also emulates a MSX1: Daewoo CPC-200, interestingly enough, my DPC-300 came with a demonstration tape, that says "DPC-200"...

Jorge Vidal Wulff wrote:

Although, the BIOSes seem to be different...

Jorge Vidal Wulff wrote:

I'm guessing these Talent MSXs are clones of Korean Models, with almost even the same names (ParaMSX emulates CPC-300 & CPC-400)
Anyone from Korea can confirm this?

Laurens Holst wrote:

Jorge Vidal Wulff wrote:

Hi,there Laurens,
That's were you're wrong...
First, I was talking about re-assembling my MSX stuff to try and play
"zanac metalica", which is in a disk,not a ROM.

Ah, ofcourse, you're right... /me baka...

My MSX computers are both "Talent" (made by telematica in Argentina,
under Daewoo License), Model DPC-300 & TPC-310, the latter featuring
Turbo BASIC...Both are MSX2, with 128MB RAM & VRAM.
The floppy is an external 5,25'', 360KB drive model talent
DPF-555,which connects to the "expansion Bus" connector...
Best regards,

Ah, wow... only MSX2 I knew without diskdrive is the Philips VG8220 one (I
think... or maybe it was another Philips?), but I guess there would be some
non-Dutch models I don't know about...


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