I’m thankful for Andy posting that clear explanation too. Sometimes I 
understate things—when I said that it would be “pretty hard to avoid” having 
ample gaussian noise to self-dither in the A/D process, I was thinking 
cryogenics (LOL).

> On Feb 9, 2015, at 7:54 AM, Vicki Melchior <vmelch...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> That's a clear explanation of the self-dither assumed in A/D conversion, 
> thanks for posting it. 
> Vicki
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 9:11 PM, Andrew Simper wrote:
>> Vicki,
>> If you look at the limits of what is possible in a real world ADC
>> there is a certain amount of noise in any electrical system due to
>> gaussian thermal noise:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson%E2%80%93Nyquist_noise
>> For example if you look at an instrument / measurement grade ADC like
>> this: 
>> http://www.prismsound.com/test_measure/products_subs/dscope/dscope_spec.php
>> They publish figures of a residual noise floor of 1.4 uV, which they
>> say is -115 dBu. So if you digitise a 1 V peak (2 V peak to peak) sine
>> wave with a 24-bit ADC then you will have hiss (which includes a large
>> portion of gaussian noise) at around the 20 bit mark, so you will have
>> 4-bits of hiss to self dither. This has nothing to do with microphones
>> or noise in air, this is in the near perfect case of transmission via
>> a well shielded differential cable transferring the voltage directly
>> to the ADC.
>> All the best,
>> Andy
>> -- cytomic -- sound music software --
>> On 9 February 2015 at 00:09, Vicki Melchior <vmelch...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> I have no argument at all with the cheap high-pass TPDF dither; whenever it 
>>> was published the original authors undoubtedly verified that the moment 
>>> decoupling occurred, as you say.  And that's what is needed for dither 
>>> effectiveness.   If you're creating noise for dither, you have the option 
>>> to verify its properties.  But in the situation of an analog signal with 
>>> added, independent instrument noise, you do need to verify that the 
>>> composite noise source actually satisfies the criteria for dither.  1/f 
>>> noise in particular has been questioned, which is why I raised the spectrum 
>>> issue.
>>> Beyond that, Nigel raises this issue in the context of "self-dither".  In 
>>> situations where there is a clear external noise source present, whether 
>>> the situation is analog to digital conversion or digital to digital bit 
>>> depth change, the external noise may, or may not, be satisfactory as dither 
>>> but at least it's properties can be measured.  If the 'self-dithering' 
>>> instead refers to analog noise captured into the digitized signal with the 
>>> idea that this noise is going to be preserved and available at later 
>>> truncation steps to 'self dither' it is a very very hazy argument.   I'm 
>>> aware of the various caveats that are often postulated, i.e. signal is 
>>> captured at double precision, no truncation, very selected processing.  But 
>>> even in minimalist recording such as live to two track, it's not clear to 
>>> me that the signal can get through the digital stages of the A/D and still 
>>> retain an unaltered noise distribution.  It certainly won't do so after 
>>> considerable processing.  So the sho
> r
>> t
>>> answer is, dither!  At the 24th bit or at the 16th bit, whatever your 
>>> output is.  If you (Nigel or RBJ) have references to the contrary, please 
>>> say so.
>>> Vicki
>>> On Feb 8, 2015, at 10:11 AM, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
>>>> On 2/7/15 8:54 AM, Vicki Melchior wrote:
>>>>> Well, the point of dither is to reduce correlation between the signal and 
>>>>> quantization noise.  Its effectiveness requires that the error signal has 
>>>>> given properties; the mean error should be zero and the RMS error should 
>>>>> be independent of the signal.  The best known examples satisfying those 
>>>>> conditions are white Gaussian noise at ~ 6dB above the RMS quantization 
>>>>> level and white TPDF noise  at ~3dB above the same, with Gaussian noise 
>>>>> eliminating correlation entirely and TPDF dither eliminating correlation 
>>>>> with the first two moments of the error distribution.   That's all 
>>>>> textbook stuff.  There are certainly noise shaping algorithms that shape 
>>>>> either the sum of white dither and quantization noise or the white dither 
>>>>> and quantization noise independently, and even (to my knowledge) a few 
>>>>> completely non-white dithers that are known to work, but determining the 
>>>>> effectiveness of noise at dithering still requires examining the 
>>>>> statistical properties of the error signal and showi
> n
>> g
>>>> th
>>>>> at the mean is 0 and the second moment is signal independent.  (I think 
>>>>> Stanley Lipschitz showed that the higher moments don't matter to 
>>>>> audibility.)
>>>> but my question was not about the p.d.f. of the dither (to decouple both 
>>>> the mean and the variance of the quantization error, you need triangular 
>>>> p.d.f. dither of 2 LSBs width that is independent of the *signal*) but 
>>>> about the spectrum of the dither.  and Nigel mentioned this already, but 
>>>> you can cheaply make high-pass TPDF dither with a single (decent) uniform 
>>>> p.d.f. random number per sample and running that through a simple 
>>>> 1st-order FIR which has +1 an -1 coefficients (i.e. subtract the previous 
>>>> UPDF from the current UPDF to get the high-pass TPDF).  also, i think Bart 
>>>> Locanthi (is he still on this planet?) and someone else did a simple paper 
>>>> back in the 90s about the possible benefits of high-pass dither.  wasn't a 
>>>> great paper or anything, but it was about the same point.
>>>> i remember mentioning this at an AES in the 90's, and Stanley *did* 
>>>> address it.  for straight dither it works okay, but for noise-shaping with 
>>>> feedback, to be perfectly legitimate, you want white TPDF dither (which 
>>>> requires adding or subtracting two independent UPDF random numbers).  and 
>>>> i agree with that.  it's just that if someone wanted to make a 
>>>> quick-and-clean high-pass dither with the necessary p.d.f., you can do 
>>>> that with the simple subtraction trick.  and the dither is not white but 
>>>> perfectly decouples the first two moments of the total quantization error. 
>>>>  it's just a simple trick that not good for too much.
>>>> --
>>>> r b-j                  r...@audioimagination.com
>>>> "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
>>>> --
>>>> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
>>>> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, 
>>>> dsp links
>>>> http://music.columbia.edu/cmc/music-dsp
>>>> http://music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/music-dsp
>>> --
>>> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
>>> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, 
>>> dsp links
>>> http://music.columbia.edu/cmc/music-dsp
>>> http://music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/music-dsp
>> --
>> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
>> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 
>> links
>> http://music.columbia.edu/cmc/music-dsp
>> http://music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/music-dsp
> --
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> subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 
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