On 11 Jun 2015, at 19:58, Sampo Syreeni <de...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Now, I don't know whether there is a framework out there which can handle 
> plain exponentials, a well as tempered distributions handle at most 
> polynomial growth. I suspect not, because that would call for the test 
> functions to be faster decaying than any exponential, and such functions are 
> measure theoretically tricky at best. I suspect what you'd at best arrive is 
> would seem very much like the L_p theory or the Laplace transform: various 
> exponential growth rates being quantified by various upper limits of 
> regularization, and so not one single theory where the Fourier transform 
> exists for all your functions at the same time, and the whole thing 
> restricting to the nice L_2 isometry where both functions belong to that 
> space.

I think it’s not hard to prove that there is no consistent generalisation of 
the Fourier transform or regularisation method that would allow plain 
exponentials. Take a look at the representation of the time derivative operator 
in both time domain, d/dt, and frequency domain, i*omega. The one-dimensional 
eigensubspaces  of i*omega are spanned by the eigenvectors delta(omega-omega0) 
with the associated eigenvalues i*omega0. That means all eigenvalues are 
necessarily imaginary, with exception of omega0=0. On the other hand, exp(t) is 
an eigenvector of d/dt with eigenvalue 1, which is not part of the spectrum of 
the frequency domain representation.

This means, there is no analytic continuation from other transforms, no 
regularisation or transform in a weaker distributional sense.

Hope this helps,


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