Picoscope make the cheapest 16-bit scopes around (USD 1000), the
16-bit stuff from Tektronix is a lot more expensive (USD 31000 -
that's right I didn't accidentally add an extra zero, it's x30 the
price). I would recommend using the Picoscope and use Python's easy c
bindings to call the Picoscope library functions to do what you want.



On 7 March 2017 at 22:59, Remy Muller <muller.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to invest into an USB oscilloscope.
> The main purpose is in analog data acquisition and instrumentation. Since
> the main purpose is audio, bandwidth is not really an issue, most models
> seem to provide 20MHz or much more and I'm mostly interested in analog
> inputs, not logical ones.
> Ideally I'd like to have
>  - Mac, Windows and Linux support
> - 4 channels or more
> - 16-bit ADC
> - up to 20V
> - general purpose output generator*
> - a scripting API (python preferred)
> * I have been told that most oscilloscopes have either no or limited output,
> and that I'd rather use a soundcard for generating dedicated test audio
> signals, synchronizing the oscilloscope acquisition using the soundcard's
> word-clock. However not having to deal with multiple drivers and clock
> synchronization would be more than welcome.
> A friend of mine recommended using Picoscope which seems well supported, has
> a strong user community but no official support for python AFAIK.
> https://www.picotech.com/oscilloscope/5000/flexible-resolution-oscilloscope
> I also found about bitscope http://www.bitscope.com which looks more
> oriented toward the casual hacker/maker, seems more open-ended and has
> python support, much cheaper too.
> What about the traditional oscilloscope companies like Tektronix, Rigol ?
> Has anyone experience with any of those? or any other reference to
> recommend?
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