On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 07:47:22AM +0100, Björn Krombholz wrote:

> But you are not the only one reading this list. What I wanted to say
> is, that you have to add neither or both.

If we add one continent, we would have to add them all. What constitutes a
continent? How many are there in total? They are not clearly defined. The
EU is clearly defined and also has an ISO code, like other countries, even
though it's not technically a country (although it exhibits several
properties of a country). I will gladly submit a patch to include the EU,
but I can't see us coming to an agreement about which continents even

> When we add EU now and recognize that it doesn't work two month later,
> we will have a bigger problem than we have now.

Why will it not work?

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