derGraph wrote:
I don't think this is a sufficient solution to the problem. On the artist's page, the 'album' listing reads "Albums", "Singles", "EPs", etc. It currently says nothing about 'videos'. And this is not a matter of the physical medium, but a matter of content. An 'album' might be a CD, a casssette, a vinyl disc, ... while a 'video' might be on VHS, DVD, Beta, BluRay disc, ... But the content is audio only in the case of an 'album', but audio and video in the case of 'videos'.

As far as I understood DonRedman's comment, we need an album attribute like "video" before we go on inserting music DVDs. As long as we don't have such an attribute we could either stop adding DVDs (but I'm too much a realist to believe this would happen), or change the album titles, maybe
 "[Video] Title"
 "Video: Title".
Sure, such a name change would be against consistent guidelines, but this should be only a temporary solution, and once we have the appropriate album attribute, we can easily find all the video entries and change their titles and attributes.

Robert Kaye wrote:
> 1. We will store DVDs in MusicBrainz and we'll start doing this by using
> the existing album structure.
> 2. We will not use DVD in the title.
> 3. We can start adding DVDs into MusicBrainz.

I can't help but read your email as just trying to undo/revisit those same decisions. How is formatting them as "Video: Title" really different from formatting them as "Title (DVD)"?

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