Chris Bransden wrote:
On 14/06/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.

i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
anyway. see
and related discussion

Ok, stepping in a bit late again, sorry. I would prefer a general type which can mean both simple 
name changes and name changes combined with line-up / style changes (I don't like that 
"style" thing though since it is subjective, so I don't think it should go into the style 
description for that type). And right as Don said it, we don't need any rules then which cases this 
is allowed for and which not but simply delegate this problem to the question "Are those 
different band names allowed to have separate entries or not?". If they are, we use this 
relationship, if they are not then they are to be merged - you see, the problem is solved very 
simply by moving the discussion to another place. ;)

Then my reasoning for why I think we need one type only: One reason is that I think the 
types get too diverse and complex - we would expect too much from the users. And for 
those who're going to say "that's a lame reason", here's the other one: I'm not 
sure if you can clearly separate those two types in every case, I think they overlap too 
much. Some bands changed their name several times before they became popular under a 
certain name and often you don't have enough info about style changes / line-up changes. 
I know several cases offhand where the bands released demos or even official albums under 
their older names and *I'd* prefer having those as separate artist entries to be more 
accurate (not only for tagging) - even if the line-up stayed the same.

Btw: and interesting case is Dream Theater who released older demos *after* they 
changed their name from Majesty to Dream Theater and thus the demos contain both 
band names: -

I'll stop before I'm going too off-topic. ;)
Oh and: I'll not veto, see this as a too late answer to the discussion phase.

Simon (Shepard)

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