On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 22:50:09 +0200, Steve Wyles wrote:

On Thu, 13 Jul 2006, Robert Kaye wrote:

I did not mean to circumvent the process here -- I do apologize.

Please advise if I should:

1. reset the four artists to unknown and remove the project type from the live server or
2. don't sweat it and call it a done deal or
3. Have the RFV now and if a veto appears, I will do #1.

Was the impact on the libraries, applications and datafeed customers assessed?

The impact of a sematical change was definetely not assesed. The boundaries between the new type and other types are not defined. I opt for 1.

2. is out of the question. That's not how we have agreed to work here.

If you want you can issue an RFV and explain why the feature is mature enough to be on the main server. I _personally_ do not think it is and would probably veto.


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