I've added relations to a dozen artists which came to my mind.

I want to complain that there no differentiation between BLOG and COMMUNITY.

In blog, one person (artist himself) write posts which contains his
own thoughts and experiences.
In community, multiple people including but not in any case limited to
artist/band write their thoughts, works and infos.

The problem is, you can't differentiate between *blog* written by
Хелависа, and *community* about Хелависа, that's where the problem
lies. I can add both, but you would not be able to tell one from

2006/8/10, Alexander Dupuy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
In July, Ilya Kasnacheev proposed new Artist--URL relationship types to
support links to LiveJournal and other blog sites (in addition to
MySpace). [1][2]  After some discussion on the -style list, I proposed
adapting the existing MySpace relationship type to be suitable for other
online communities like LiveJournal[3] and even renamed the MySpace
relationship type on the test.musicbrainz.org server for beta
testing.[4]  One useful result of the test.musicbrainz.org experiment
was the discovery that renaming the AR had no effect on the
auto-recognition of MySpace URLs, as long as the description text still
had MySpace or myspace.com (not sure which, the description has both,
and as long as it works, it doesn't really matter).

There was general consensus that this proposed change was reasonable,
and some discussion on the specific format for LiveJournal URL that
should be standardized in the StyleGuideline, with the final post in the
thread some three weeks ago, when Frederik 'Freso' S. Olesen reported
that the folks at #lj_support indicated a preference for LiveJournal
URLs with /profile (a standardized profile page with links to all the
major subpages for the user) as a standard external reference.[5]
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