In July, Ilya Kasnacheev proposed new Artist--URL relationship types to support links to LiveJournal and other blog sites (in addition to MySpace). [1][2] After some discussion on the -style list, I proposed adapting the existing MySpace relationship type to be suitable for other online communities like LiveJournal[3] and even renamed the MySpace relationship type on the server for beta testing.[4] One useful result of the experiment was the discovery that renaming the AR had no effect on the auto-recognition of MySpace URLs, as long as the description text still had MySpace or (not sure which, the description has both, and as long as it works, it doesn't really matter).

There was general consensus that this proposed change was reasonable, and some discussion on the specific format for LiveJournal URL that should be standardized in the StyleGuideline, with the final post in the thread some three weeks ago, when Frederik 'Freso' S. Olesen reported that the folks at #lj_support indicated a preference for LiveJournal URLs with /profile (a standardized profile page with links to all the major subpages for the user) as a standard external reference.[5]

Since no major objections were raised during the RFC, and a reasonable standard for the URLs was developed, I feel that it is appropriate to advance this to the RFV (veto) stage. I have written an OnlineCommunityRelationshipType wiki page for the renamed AR, and re-implemented the name change of the MySpace relationship type on the server (it got wiped since the original discussion thread took place).

I have chosen *not* to include the new "has a blog at" Artist--URL AR that was proposed in the initial thread in this RFV; I suspect that there are very few artists with blogs that aren't hosted on an online community/social networking site (making a separate blog AR redundant), and it seemed simpler and less likely to get a veto if we just advance one change at a time. If somebody else wants to write up the wiki page for the other AR, and post an RFV for it, I would probably not veto it, but neither do I feel that it is sufficiently useful or important that I will do the necessary work.

If there are no vetos by the end of the veto period (one week? two weeks?) *and* somebody who knows of an artist with a LiveJournal page creates an instance of the AR on the test server and updates the Examples section of the OnlineCommunityRelationshipType wiki page with that instance, I will make the corresponding changes on the live server, update the Wiki to reflect the official nature of the change (including redirecting all references to MySpaceRelationshipType), and even post a notice on

I would create the example myself, but I don't know of any artist with a LiveJournal page myself, nor can I think of any reasonable way to find one. I strongly suspect that the original proposer and discussants know several (Russian artists were mentioned in particular) and I have Bcc'd them just in case they are not subscribed to the -style list directly. I don't think this is unreasonable to ask as I am willing to do the rest of the work, and if there nobody willing to find even one example, then it cannot be that important or useful a change to make.


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


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