> Looking at your LiveJournal examples that you added on the test server,
> it seems like over 3/4 of them are for community pages with only a few
> for personal pages.  Is this typical for Russian artists usage of LJ?
It's typical for most interesting people to use LJ nowdays.
However this only applies to relatively young people, those who in
fourties rarely use social networks.

It's typical that band have a community, while each of the artists
have a livejournal. I've added more communitys because I've modified
more bands because not every band still have a proper member list :)
We're working on it, but there's a lot of work ahead :)

Let's say, for Мельница, I know that at least four (of eight) members
of this band have LiveJournal and actively use it.

For Тол Мириам, I know four of seven musicians to have LiveJournal (plus their director).
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