as i said in the thread that missed the mailing list..
"I am for the addition of adding AR/links to artists"
(not to mention I've requested something identical a while ago but never
followed through on mb-style - )

What about the missing indie911 URL relationship? And the ones for " or The Podsafe Music Network or" (to quote your message of two months ago)? We can't create a special Artist->URL AR for every music-related site that's out there. MySpace was an exception, and I still think, a mistake, but at least it is far beyond any of the others. Can you come up with a generalized form for this that covers all of these sites. I tried to come up with something that would generalize from MySpace to cover LiveJournal and other artist sites, but it was too contentious to achieve consensus at that time. Perhaps generalizing in a different, more music-related way, would be successful.

tomorrow will mark one week since the request on mb-style.

should maybe we start some kind of RFV?

You need an RFC first, to request comments and suggestions, and it wouldn't hurt to write up a wiki page with the proposal for which you're requesting comments. Feel free to crib the style and any relevant contents from the OnlineCommunity proposal.



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