No veto, potential addendum or food for thought?

There's also live journals, lastfm (the problem with lastfm is that they
aren't differentiating between same name groups yet.), the mapping pages (I
know mb uses one, there's as well another I know of, perhaps more.)

I'm thinking (even though I brought up myspace initially) we should make
these a bit more general.

Band has blogging page at (live journal, blogger et el.):
Band has music group page at (myspace, multiply et el.): 
Band has samples page at (purevolume, lastfm, 
Band has geographical page at (, and the one mb uses, cant recall
it's name.):

Once more I know this is looking more at "future" and what might as well be
requested, and it makes it more ambiguous, but I think it would help in
covering more situations for the "AR" to death crowd (if that still

Feel free to simply nix this idea. It was just a thought I had, and I could
see incorporating musicmoz, etc. into this as well. I can see people
screaming that this is taking light off the original purevolume AR request.
That is not my intent, nor do I wish to jog this into another discussion and
argument of any form.

I simply was thinking about it, and wasn't sure how to phrase it, nor with
being "out of the community" for as long as I have been, if it would seem to
be tossing a wrench into the monkey works. Therefore I have remained quiet,
but perhaps this would be welcomed or might be something to consider.

Once more, this is *not* a veto, simply perchance an expansion of an already
good idea?

Beth aka Nyght

Another thought is there is a "has samples" AR already, and I know it didn't
feel "encompassing" enough for the myspace page (perhaps not as well for
purevolume?) and I'm not positive how to make this suggestion encompassing
enough. If this is decided to be looked into more, input on this would be
greatly appreciated. Perhaps instead of music group page, it could be group
mini page, which would move purevolume up there instead? Again, something
which has been niggling, yet I am not sure how to fully put my thoughts down
to written, though I know there are many others very adept in that, and
would hope if the idea has merit they can help flesh the idea out.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lukáš
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:32 AM
To: MusicBrainz style discussion
Subject: [mb-style] RFV: Purevolume URL Relationship

On So, 2007-03-10 at 08:54 +0100, Lukáš Lalinský wrote:
> We already have an AR type for MySpace and the main argument for it 
> was that it's big enough. I think Purevolume is big enough as well 
> *and* it's specialized to music. So, I'm proposing these changes:
>  * Add new AR type "has a community page at".
>  * Move the MySpace AR type under this new one.
>  * Add new AR type "has a Purevolume page at".
> Comments?

Ok, people seem to agree. So... vetoes?

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