Andrew Conkling wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 2:28 AM, Frederic Da Vitoria 
>     I agree with Paul; and, for once, I disagree with Leiv. Although I
>     understand the redundancy is annoying, I feel that we must accept
>     some limitations of mp3 players... 
> I know exactly what you mean. I usually agree with you, Leiv, but not in 
> this case. But it's interesting reasoning!

Well, Andrew, why do *you* need all that in? How does seeing "BWV 244" 
in your track titles enhance your experience of the SMP?

>     ...and more importantly of the MB web site! If I was looking for one
>     part of the Matthew Passion, I'd probably enter "BWV 244" in the
>     track search box, and I'd completely miss your release!
> Wait, you can search MBz with numbers? (Seriously, can you?)

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