Paul C. Bryan-2 wrote:
> Thoughts off the top of my head:
> 1. I’m generally in favour of changes that makes our guidelines less
> ambiguous.
> 2. I’m of the opinion that apostrophes used with personal names should
> be removed in sort names. Example: “John Smith’s Awesome Orchestra”
> would ideally become (IMHO): “Smith, John,  Awesome Orchestra”
> 3. Since the intent is to provide lexicographical collation, I wonder if
> there should be any punctuation should be retained in sort names at all.
> 4. If we do retain punctuation in sort names, I would suggest that we do
> explicitly establish punctuation character equivalency (' == ’) or limit
> the characters that should be used.
I think punctuation equivalency (in terms of sorting) would be the best
solution. I'm fine with the guidelines as they stand in regards to
apostrophes (’ preferred, ' acceptable).

Paul C. Bryan-2 wrote:
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bogdan Butnaru <>
> Reply-to: MusicBrainz Style Discussion
> <>
> To: MusicBrainz <>
> Subject: [mb-style] Typographically-correct punctuation and sortname
> style
> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 17:52:55 +0100
> Hello everyone!
> I don’t recall seeing this subject mentioned, but I wasn’t always
> along for the whole discussion on RFV2-294.
> I’ve been looking through Sortname Style and I don’t notice any
> specific mention of punctuation; there’s only the general rule about
> “stylized names”. So as far as I can tell, the current Miscellaneous
> Guideline applies to sortnames, in the sense that correct punctuation
> is preferred to ASCII but not mandatory.
> While that is in itself an acceptable policy, it does potentially
> break the implied intent of a sortname. Imagine the scenario of these
> four bands existing (each name starting after the colon):
> 1: X’s a
> 2: X’s aa
> 3: X’s b
> 4: X’s bb
> As I understand it, Sortname Style is intended to lead to these four
> names being sorted as above (1-2-3-4). However, if for some reason 1
> and 3 use one kind of apostrophe and 2 and 4 use a different kind, a
> sorting algorithm that doesn’t collate the two apostrophes as
> identical can sort them as 1-3-2-4 or 2-4-1-3. Similar things can
> happen with the other punctuation marks, but I imagine they’re less
> common in names (as opposed to titles); even if they do happen, it’s
> less likely that they happen several times in the same position.
> So, does anyone else think we need to discuss this?
> (Even if we decide that we don’t care and we just leave the option to
> the editors, we should probably mention that explicitly in the
> Sortname Style page; I had to read it several times to decide that
> both ASCII and “correct” punctuation is allowed, and I’m still not
> 100% sure.
> Also note that even if the MusicBrainz server uses a collation that
> treats the various apostrophes as identical, other systems like music
> players might not.)
> -- Bogdan Butnaru
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