On 10/06/2011 08:24, Alex Mauer wrote:

> I'm not talking about collaboration relationships here,

OK. Look in the corner of the room. See that big grey thing with the 
flappy ears?

> I'm talking about situations where it is appropriate to
> use artist credits instead of creating separate artists

AFAIK, the history of the collaboration artist relationship is that it 
was created as a stopgap solution to provide multiple primary artists 
where necessary. See 
http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Getting_Rid_Of_Featuring_Artist_Style. The 
MBz guidelines tell us to use a productivity/ longevity criterion to 
decide whether to use a collaboration relationship or a member-of-band 

Now we have NGS, which is  the happy state towards which the stopgap was 
put in place. So, if all the editors did the right thing, then the 
groups joined by a collaboration relationship should be precisely those 
to be split using ARs, and those by a member-of-band relationship should 
be those to be left alone. The collaboration relationship should now be 
effectively obsolete.

At the start of this thread I asked whether this criterion had changed, 
and the only response was that no, it had not changed.

Of course not all editors did do the right thing, and it's fine to 
re-examine the relationships and adjust them where they are wrong. 
However it's not fine arbitrarily to discount the productivity/ 
longevity criterion for doing so, since this is the one criterion laid 
out in the guidelines.

Some refinement of this guideline along the lines you suggest may be 
desirable. This is probably less significant than some other things in 
the RFC/RFV process right now though.

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