On 06/10/2011 11:38 AM, monxton wrote:
> Now we have NGS, which is  the happy state towards which the stopgap was 
> put in place. So, if all the editors did the right thing, then the 
> groups joined by a collaboration relationship should be precisely those 
> to be split using ARs, and those by a member-of-band relationship should 
> be those to be left alone. The collaboration relationship should now be 
> effectively obsolete.

Well, it’s not. (See Meatgirl, and I’m sure there are others.)

> At the start of this thread I asked whether this criterion had changed, 
> and the only response was that no, it had not changed.

Fascinating.  That’s absolutely wonderful for deciding whether an artist
is a collaboration or not.  But that’s still Not What We’re Talking About.

When we look at the guidelines, can we please look at the Artist Credit
guideline, which applies to the situation we’retalking about[1]?  That
guideline certainly does refer to collaborations as an example of
something which can be done with artist credits.  But it doesn’t say
anything like “These are the only situations to which artist credits
apply, do not ever use them otherwise”

> Some refinement of this guideline along the lines you suggest may be 
> desirable. This is probably less significant than some other things in 
> the RFC/RFV process right now though.

1. http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Artist_Credit

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