On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Philip Jägenstedt <phi...@foolip.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:53, Piotr Szotkowski <chast...@chastell.net> wrote:
>> Yeah, me again. Still most grateful fot MusicBrainz. :)
>> While I was on a recent Picard-powered metadata-cleanup spree on my
>> music I noticed http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Style/Miscellaneous saying
>> that ‘typographically-correct punctuation is preferred’, so I started
>> updating MB with my local fixes to punctuation (such as replacing
>> Is this welcome or just a noise to the MB database?
>> If it’s welcome, how far should it be taken? Replacing U+0027
>> with U+2019 (where appropriate) seems to fit the spirit of
>> the guide, but what about replacing U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS with
>> U+2010 HYPHEN, such as in renaming Ska-P to Ska‐P and New
>> York Ska-Jazzi Ensemble to New York Ska‐Jazz Ensemble?
> Personally, I don't think there's any utility in replacing characters
> which could be done with a script. Only if there's some kind of
> judgement call involved does it really make any sense. Cleaning up
> only some releases will just leave things in a seemingly inconsistent
> state, so I'd really prefer if any changes of this nature were made
> database-wide if they're going to be made at all.

I think the aposthrophe fix (and also fixing ellipses) are OK even
without a script, although I'd love to have a ellipses-fixing bot. The
hyphen thing is harder, because AFAIK there's no way to actually see
the difference (at least in the standard font MB uses) so they're
kinda hard to vote on anyway.

> --
> Philip Jägenstedt
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