Am 12.07.2011, 16:45 Uhr, schrieb Andii Hughes <>:

> This deals with the legacy data issue (ws/1 still provides data in
> pre-NGS format) by retaining the existing guideline for track
> listings, while making use of artist credits at recording level.  When
> ws/1 is finally removed, we can allow track listings to be entered as
> on the release, as some have suggested.
> Comments?

there is a track and a recording lvl because some people crave  
normalisation others want "as on cover".
so thats how it should be, imho, and for compatibility reasons without  
artist credits on track lvl.

i do think a switch to link the featured artist(s) to the title or the  
primary artist would be great.

also the expamples are confusing to me.
i'd just give examples on tracklvl and then on recording lvl. it was not  
clear to me that the indented entrys are for recording lvl, i related them  
to the "Track-Level"

lorenz pressler
PGP 0x92E9551A

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