For Musical Theatre you could use "Les Misérables", based on the novel by
Victor Hugo (of which a spoken word version – in english – is in the DB) or
"Oliver!" (of which an audiobook version – in german – is also already in

For Opera one could also think of "Wozzeck" or "Lulu"

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:42 PM, symphonick <> wrote:

> 2013/2/21 caller#6 <>
>> The "All Delighted People" example is maybe a grey area? You could say
>> that it "quotes" or "references" of "interpolates" lyrics and themes from
>> the original I guess. Or "borrows from"?
>> The Iron Maiden example seems pretty solidly "based on". Could be
>> considered an "adaption" maybe? (if we got more granular)
>> Alex / caller#6
> I see. Think I'll change to Maiden, then. Is the poem in MB?
> I'll add an opera example too, if you can find something that fits.
> /symphonick
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