I know that people have asked why MPD doesn't use an SQL database in
the past, and I know also that the reason has been performance.

I'm not disputing this, and I don't want to start any kind of flame
war, but aside from performance the use of SQL does allow for more
features (or for making such features much easier to implement):
1 - Smart / dynamic playlists via complex SQL queries
2 - Easy maintenance of the database by external utilities using standard SQL
3 - Housing database on different machine from MPD (likely to cause a
performance hit, I know)
4 - MPD clustering (an unlikely use case for most of MPDs users, I admit)

For me personally, the second option is actually a biggie - currently
one cannot manage the MPD database at any kind of granular level.
Asking mpd to do an 'update' on its music directory has never
completed for me - on an NFS-mounted 100GB+ music library. When I add
things to the database I add things by name (e.g. mpc update
"Artist"), but if I move files around or want to remove music from
MPD's library, there doesn't seem to be any command to do that. I can
only do 'update' on parts of the library and hope that MPD picks up
that files are deleted / changed. I notice that MPD will also only
rescan files if their modification date has changed; there seems to be
no way to force MPD to re-scan a file/directory regardless of its
modification time (which is useful in some situations).

If these commands/features were added, I'd probably have less of a
need for SQL personally, although the first idea above would be nice.

I should also emphasise that in my view this doesn't have to be an
all-or-nothing decision. Why not use a database plugin, and default to
the internal MPD database, but allow the option of using
SQLite/MySQL/etc? Wouldn't this satisfy both those who don't care/need
the performance and those who want the flexibility of SQL?

Kind regards,


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