On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Steffen 'stefreak' Neubauer
<stefr...@stefreak.de> wrote:
> Hello ;)
> I had that idea yesterday for a server to server connection - if an mpd
> server could connect to another you could distribute your music on
> different computers - if you have your notebook and your pc for example
> and you have music on your notebook which isn't on the pc you could
> hear the music on your pc when the MPDs are connected.

That's the point though. Why introduce this complexity when it's
unnecessary? Let's state a much simpler way without complicating how
things currently work.

Method 1:
Use icecast/http output. Transfers sound to your laptop without
problem over slow connections as well.

Method 2:
Use pulseaudio. Transfers sound losslessly if you have enough bandwidth.

Method 3:
Use a file server (NFS or samba?) It's completely unnecessary, but you
could transfer the files you want over nfs, transparently.

Method 4 (not yet implemented):
Using upnp/dlna. It's not yet implemented but it's not out of the
realm of possibility for the future in MPD.

Now, why did I say that's the point? MPD was (initially) created to be
simple. A few different projects had the same idea but tried to do it
with too much complexity. They tried to do too much all at once when
it was better to keep things simple and most of them have been
abandoned due to being unable to reach any kind of goal. Point is MPD
can /easily/ do what you're looking for without reworking a wheel.

Also see: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/What_MPD_Is_and_Is_Not

> P.S. don't you have an irc channel?

All opinions stated above are mine and do not necessarily reflect
those of the US secret service.

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