26.01.2013 15:26, Max Kellermann пишет:
> Can we somehow convert the integer file handle to a WIN32 HANDLE for
> use in GPollFD?

Yes, it's possible. In theory things look simple: create event object 
with CreateEvent() or WSACreateEvent(), associate event with socket via 
WSAEventSelect(). This event would be stored in GPollFD instead of 
actual descriptor.

The only complex thing is the need to call WSAEventSelect() everytime 
set of socket events (i.e. read/write/etc) changes. This could be done 
in prepare() function for example.

> How much is it?  If it's just a few lines, why not.

In practice this looks not so simple.
I would like not to copy the code I don't completely understand :-)

You could take a lot at it here:


Important functions are:


The only interesting case is G_IO_WIN32_SOCKET.

> What is a replacement that runs on Linux (POSIX), Windows and Android?
> Or shall we just roll our own?

Well, I'm not expert in network programming at all, but I'd prefer to 
use something well-tested and documented. Each socket implementation has 
its own issues (especially winsock). So we might spend a lot of time in 
writing Yet Another Event Loop library instead of implementing features 
that actually relate to music playback.

You named libevent last time. Do it fit our conditions?

On the other-side, implementing our own event library gives the smallest 
possible overhead. Also it would reduce number of strong dependencies 
thus MPD would not be limited to platforms supported by chosen event 
loop library.

Bonus question: actually I thought that Android provides the same 
networking APIs as POSIX systems since it actually uses Linux kernel.
But you can prove me wrong.


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