On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 11:24:35AM -0500, David DeSimone wrote: 
> Does the hostname really exist, or not?  If it does, then you should try
> to figure out why your DNS server says it doesn't.  If it doesn't exist,
> then this is of course a correct error.

Well, since my last crash, I've been rather lazy, and hence I'm still running
that old classic localhost.localdomain - No DNS server installed on my side.

> Mutt and Elm should use exactly the same method to send mail.  That is,
> if Elm can send mail without errors, Mutt should do as well, because
> they both pipe the mail directly to your local sendmail daemon.
> Whereas, Pine delivers mail to whatever mail server you specify, and
> that server routes it to the correct destination.  Which would explain
> why Pine behaves differently.

Interesting. So pine then masquerades my local hostname etc. with the remote
smtpserver of my ISP... Seems logical. I thought that pine also made use of
sendmail, and hence this could have been some strange internal error... (of
course, mutt doesn't have bugs :))

> Of course, the easy thing to do is to configure your local sendmail
> daemon to simply route all mail through the same server that Pine
> would've used, since that is probably the mail hub for your site
> anyway.  Simply use that server as a "smart host."

Ah. Then I guess I have to find out how in tarnations I do that. This could
keep me occupied for a while. Guess The Manual can be my friend, but if you
have any suggestions, I'd be glad. 

Thanks in advance,
.-----------+-------------- - - --- ------ -- -+-
| Martin Högman [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|               [ http://skyscraper.fortunecity.com/integer/36 ]
`--------------+---------------------+- -----------  - - -  - -+

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