At 12:29 PM EDT on October 27 David DeSimone sent off:
> Bruno Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is it possible to implement opening a Netscape window upon clicks onto
> > http- and ftp-Links in mutt?
> Sure!
> On a more serious note:  Mouse-clicks already have a defined meaning
> within xterm:  They are used for cutting, selecting, and pasting text! 
> So how is your xterm supposed to know when you're clicking in order to
> select some text, or clicking in order to pass the information to the
> inner program, Mutt, so that it can search for a URL to go to?

I use rxvt 2.4.5 patched with something called "dingus", or active-rxvt.  It
recognizes regular expressions (like URLs) and runs a user defined action, like
netscape -remote, or gv for .ps files, etc, when the RIGHT mouse button is
pressed.  It works really well (i.e. much better than urlview), and doesn't
interfere with selecting (left button) or pasting (middle button).  Am I
missing something that the right button would normally do?  Cutting is
unneccessary in mutt, anyway.

Unfortunately applying the patch to newer versions of rxvt was so difficult
that I gave up.  I think the dingus author is working on a gnome terminal or
something like that now, that will include dingus, but I wish rxvt/etc would
incorporate it as a default, or at least a default option.

I should note that it only fully works in Linux or other OSes using /proc.
It's usable in Solaris for URLs, though.

FUN is never having to say you're SUSHI!!  - Yow!
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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