Hi mates
> On a more serious note: Mouse-clicks already have a defined meaning
> within xterm: They are used for cutting, selecting, and pasting text!
> So how is your xterm supposed to know when you're clicking in order to
> select some text, or clicking in order to pass the information to the
> inner program, Mutt, so that it can search for a URL to go to?
> In the old, old days of Mutt, it supported mouse-clicks, not for URL's,
> but for simple message navigation. Most everyone hated it. It was
> removed. Basically, people realized that they wanted the cut-n-paste
> functionality a lot more than they wanted the point-n-click functionality.
Ok you're right, that's a problem. Midnight commander solves it by allowing
cut and paste by holding the shift key during selection.
We could do it the other way round: normal clicks for selection and Shift-Click
on an URL for opening netscape windows.
Yours sincerely