On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 11:09:22PM +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:
:<RandomRant generality="waytoohigh">
:The problem (as I see it) is that .muttrc goes against the principles
:which Mutt is following. Particularly in modularisation. The .muttrc
:contains absolutely everything configurable in the program - it defines
:the interface (keys, column presentation, folder hooks, colours), mail transfer
:(sendmail settings, mailboxes which receive mail), personal settings
:(real name, personal headers) and a few other random settings as well.
:One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like 

I don't know if this division of labor will work for all but the most
simplest configurations.  An example would be a complex set of folder
hooks where colors, key bindings, save hooks, and other settings.
Now imagine you had different sets of settings for different folders!

Eugene Lee

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