On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 01:53:34PM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-03-01 23:09:22 +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:
> > One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like
> > [colors]
> > [keybindings]
> > [mailboxes]
> > [lists]
> > [folder_hooks]
> You are completely free to create a set of configuration files, and
> then source them.  For instance, create a very simple ~/.muttrc
> looking like this:
[snip modular settings example]

Perhaps what would be more useful would be a terse generic muttrc
included with the distribution.  The current one is over 70k and nearly
3000 lines.  For newbies this can be a little intimidating, even if
it is well documented.

When I started using mutt back in the early 0.9x days I grabbed Michael's
.muttrc which was nicely set up and had inline comments for most of the
options.  For me, it was just what I needed.  If I needed to set an
option, there was not much to search through, and the more complicated
bits (like folder-hooks) had examples and short documentation sections
preceding them.

Again, the existing Muttrc is nice in that it has documentation 
explaining all of the options right there with the option, but 
I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to turn that into a documentation
file and make a smaller, modularized via comments, example Muttrc.  The
early header could refer to the larger file or to the manual page
on www.mutt.org so that if more information was needed on a particular
setting it could be easily found.  Most settings could be explained
with a simple inline comment, and things like folder hooks could have
a couple of examples.

I'd even be tempted to make a directory of muttrc files, each with their
own names.  One named "generic" might be the one that has all the options
commented out and set to their defaults, "pinecone" could have the
key bindings set to mimic the Another Mail Client, and "tedturner"
would have lots of color options set.

Just a thought.

John Franklin
ICBM: N37 12'54", W80 27'14" Z+2100'

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