On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 11:09:22PM +1100, Chuck Dale wrote:

> One way to make things clearer would be to have sections like 
> [colors]
> [keybindings]
> [mailboxes]
> [lists]
> [folder_hooks]

This seems to work on the assumption that all ~/.muttrc files are one large
monolithic list of settings. This doesn't have to be the case. Mine isn't
and, if I could be bothered, I could make it even smaller with good use of
the `source' command.

That said, mine does contain sections as well. I find that the "#" character
is a great way of prefixing a section name.

> This would bring some structure to the file which it currently lacks..
> It's good to have some structure once every few years..

There already is structure if you decide to use structure.

Take a look in Hagbard's World: | mutt.octet.filter - autoview octet-streams
http://www.hagbard.demon.co.uk/ | mutt.vcard.filter - autoview simple vcards
http://www.acemake.com/hagbard/ | muttrc2html       - muttrc -> HTML utility
Free software, including........| muttrc.sl         - Jed muttrc mode

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