On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 12:04:42PM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
:On 2000-03-10 02:57:41 -0800, Eugene Lee wrote:
:set attribution="Hullo, %F!\n\nI have a comment about\
:       your message about \"%s\" on %d.\n\n\
:       ----- begin original message -----"

:set post_indent_string="----- end original message ----"

I was wrong saying that there wasn't a way in Mutt to pass this info
onto an external script.  I stand corrected.  Excuse me while I RTFM.
Yet again.  :)

But setting a separate set of attribute/post_indent_string values for
each send-hook could get ugly with the escapes needed for extra quotes.

Eugene Lee

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