At 23:16 +0200 07 Aug 2000, Caster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe this will interest you. I think the recipe in the PGP-Notes is
> wrong. Let's say someone sends me a message with an enclusore. He is
> also using PGP and signs the message. There is a
> Content-Type: multipart/.
> header in his mail. Because of it the recipe doesn't match the mail. I
> think that "* !^Content-Type: multipart/" should be scratched.

I suspect that that's what's happening in this case, since the example
message (which had Content-Type: text/plain) got modified by my procmail
rules and mutt successfully checked the signature.

But the rule that prevents this from happening with multipart messages
is necessary, because the modification that is done by that rule will
prevent mutt (or any MUA) from dealing with multipart messages.  So,
it's a tradeoff:
 - Do you want automatic signature checking, but need to go through some
   fairly complex steps to get at attachments.
 - Or do you want to be able to actually use attachments right from in
   mutt, with manual signature checking being fairly easy.

Myself, I'll stick with manually checking signatures when necessary.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they don't.

PGP signature

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