On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 04:46:47AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Anand Buddhdev wrote:
> : If I send a message with mutt 1.2, and sign it with gpg 1.0.4, and if the
> : message has no quoted printable encoding, then the recipient, also using
> : 1.2 and gpg 1.0.4, can verify the signature.
> : 
> : However, if I send the same message with quoted-printable encoding turned
> : on, then the recipient CANNOT verify the signature.
> Does you can verify this message?

I cannot verify the message.

> Does your recipient can verify this message?

My recipient cannot verify the message.

> Does you or your recipient use some proxy what decode/encode/recode
> quoted-printable (and/or any another) MIME-formed messages?

No. We both use mutt 1.2 with gpg 1.0.4 with the standard options - no
weird things in the .muttrc

> : For now, I have turned off the pgp_strict_enc variable in my muttrc,
> : but it's only a work-around. There has to be a proper solution.
> You right -- this is not proper sulution at all.

Odd thing is, nobody is saying anything on this matter, not even the
developers. It's as if my message is being ignored completely.


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