Kai Weber wrote:
> I am searching for a way defining a default TO: address depending on the
> actual folder. Let's say I am in the mutt's Mailinglist folder. If I
> press "m" I want a default address [EMAIL PROTECTED] there.
> I think it is an folder-hook thing, but I have no idea how to implement
> this. Any suggestions & tips?

Mr. Wade wrote:
> This might help or give you a starting place, anyway:
> folder-hook .                'unmy_hdr To:'
> folder-hook =IN-L-mutt-users 'my_hdr To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Obviously, I use "=IN-L-mutt-users" as the mailing list folder;
> you should sdjust that accordingly for your situation.
> A problem with this, though, is that list-replies tend to have
> the list address twice in the To: field.  I haven't spent any
> time determining a method to correct that.

Regarding the "problem" I described: testing indicates that Mutt
will include duplicated addresses in the command-line arguments
used to call $sendmail, but it seems my MTA, Sendmail 8.11.3,
filters out those duplicate addresses anyway, sending a message
only once to each recipient, regardless of multiple mentions of
the same recipient addresses on the command-line, so it's a
non-issue for me, (but it's good to know!  I had been very
careful in the past to delete multiple mentions of the same
recipient in the recipient fields.  I guess that's unnecessary.)

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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