Martin --

...and then Martin Man said...
% On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 09:10:22PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
% > On 2001-10-22 17:56:20 +0200, Martin Man wrote:
% > 
% > >   just switched over to maildirs and realized that mutt moves all
% > >messages from new/ subdir to cur/ after opening and closing given Maildir/,
% > >messages are correctly marked as old, but because they're moved out of new/
% > >some monitoring programs (gkrellm) which poll the new/ directory can't 
% > >count
% > >them as unread messages.
% am I the forst who is missing this functionality in mutt ??? can't believe
% it..

It's not uncommon to have one's own ideas of what constitutes new and
old, read and unread, and for those ideas to be different from what mutt
(or even many other MUAs) says (say).  The trick is in your expectation;
it should match the design specs.

Are you the first?  Probably not.  Will many mutt folks see it your way?
Probably not.  Could you write your own feature patch and announce it and
work around the "problem"?  I dunno; how's your coding? :-)

No, I haven't read the specs, either, but I (IMHO) think that 'unread'
has nothing to do with 'new', and so it's proper to move old unread
messages to /cur and leave new unread messages in /new; if you want 'em
to stay, then don't mark 'em old!

If you're coding up some program, as your example said, it would pay to
be *very* familiar with the standard and implement it fully and to the

% > 
% > -- 
% > Thomas Roessler              
% > 
% thanx,
% martin
% -- 
% 2CC0 4AF6 92DA 5CBF 5F09  7BCB 6202 7024 6E06 0223


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