Martin --

...and then Martin Man said...
% On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 01:44:13AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then Martin Man said...
% > % 
% > % am I the forst who is missing this functionality in mutt ??? can't believe
% > % it..
% > 
% > Are you the first?  Probably not.  Will many mutt folks see it your way?
% > Probably not.  Could you write your own feature patch and announce it and
% > work around the "problem"?  I dunno; how's your coding? :-)
% not bad, patch is already produced but it doesn't work as expected, because
% Maildir messages don't have Status: field, ... certainly I found at


% description of colon appended flags which indicate
% this,

Right.  No need to muck with the contents, even at the header level.

% > 
% > No, I haven't read the specs, either, but I (IMHO) think that 'unread'
% > has nothing to do with 'new', and so it's proper to move old unread
% > messages to /cur and leave new unread messages in /new; if you want 'em
% > to stay, then don't mark 'em old!
% matter of taste but qmail's maildir(5) says

Of course!

% <quote>
%           Files in cur are just like files in new.  The big difference
%           is that files in cur are no longer new mail:  they have been
%           seen by the user's mail-reading program.
%                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
% </quote>
% sure I was wrong here..., sorry

No problem :-)  I just *knew* how it was designed but couldn't back it up
with the spec, so I had to pontificate :-)

% > If you're coding up some program, as your example said, it would pay to
% > be *very* familiar with the standard and implement it fully and to the
% > letter.
% sure I'm going to patch those, unread mail checking should be done by counting
% messages in new/ and adding the numer of messages in cur/ which don't have an
% S flag appended in filename after `:` colon, ...

... and I bet that that's how mutt does it ;-)

% curiously lot of programs I've taken a look at are simply counting messages in
% new (gkrellm, gnome mail applet, etc.), I'm going to patch-fix them

They just don't know any better; you'll be able to submit the patches and
the relevant quotes to the various authors and set things a little more
right with the world!

% > 
% > HTH & HAND
% once again thanx and sorry for blaming the best MUA :-))

We'll forgive you ;-)  Glad to be of help!

% martin
% -- 
% 2CC0 4AF6 92DA 5CBF 5F09  7BCB 6202 7024 6E06 0223

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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