Hey guys, I've been having this terrible problem with email spam and I
was wondering if you guys have similar problems, and if so, what you do
about them.

Anyway, I keep getting advertisements for really disgusting porn. They
all seem to come from different addresses (although they're all from
hotmail, and they're all obviously spoofed - replies bounce).

However, I am quite lucky, because they all have one thing in common
that lets me filter them fairly easily:

* ^Message-.*mx.+mail.home.com


So far, that procmail filter has filtered every single one, and hasn't
caught anything not-spam (as for the mx.+mail part, the message id
always ends with @mx, then a number or two, a hyphen, then two or three
seemingly random letters, then mail.home.com.

I've spoken with my ISP about this, and they basically said "Hey, not
our fault, go away."

This is getting really bad. It just keeps coming, and I can't stop it.

Does anybody know how I can get these guys shut down?

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new 
bicycle. Then I realized that the Lord doesn't work that 
way, so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
                -- Emo Philips

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