* Rob 'Feztaa' Park ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hey guys, I've been having this terrible problem with email spam and I
> was wondering if you guys have similar problems, and if so, what you do
> about them.

I vote for taking the spammer out and having him/her/them drawn and

> Anyway, I keep getting advertisements for really disgusting porn. They
> all seem to come from different addresses (although they're all from
> hotmail, and they're all obviously spoofed - replies bounce).

yep, typical.

> However, I am quite lucky, because they all have one thing in common
> that lets me filter them fairly easily:
> :0
> * ^Message-.*mx.+mail.home.com
> $MAILDIR/spam
> :D
> So far, that procmail filter has filtered every single one, and hasn't
> caught anything not-spam (as for the mx.+mail part, the message id
> always ends with @mx, then a number or two, a hyphen, then two or three
> seemingly random letters, then mail.home.com.

If it's @home's mail server, it's probably an open relay somewhere,
either from @home itself or some idiot set up his mail server wrong on
his home machine and now it's being used for spam.

Report though spamcop (www.spamcop.net) and/or to @home

> I've spoken with my ISP about this, and they basically said "Hey, not
> our fault, go away."

also typical. True, but typical.

Carl B. Constantine             University of Victoria
Programmer Analyst              http://www.uvic.ca
UNIX System Administrator       Victoria, BC, Canada

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