Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:

> Hey guys, I've been having this terrible problem with email spam and I
> was wondering if you guys have similar problems, and if so, what you do
> about them.
> Anyway, I keep getting advertisements for really disgusting porn. They
> all seem to come from different addresses (although they're all from
> hotmail, and they're all obviously spoofed - replies bounce).

well for your own sanity, i highly recommend a set of procmail filters
like spambouncer...

you still need to check your spam folder occasionally, and sometimes
there will be spam that makes it through or legit / semi legit mail that
makes it into your spam folder (and it takes a bit of time to get
configured right).... BUT it does keep a very high percentage of spam
out of your inbox.

you can also set it up to notify people with 'borderline' mail that
their mail has been held, and allows them to send you mail by using a
specific password... and it can send fake 'bounces' back to known
spammers to try to get you off their lists.

> I've spoken with my ISP about this, and they basically said "Hey, not
> our fault, go away."
> This is getting really bad. It just keeps coming, and I can't stop it.
> Does anybody know how I can get these guys shut down?

probably not, but you might use spamcop to report it, or read the
headers and report the spammer to their ISP.  a good amount of spam
comes from shady isps in other countries, so reporting it isn't always a
good idea.

you should also report them to the netblock owners of their website,
return email address, DNS providers, etc.

of course some people might suggest doing some research and getting some
sort of revenge on them, but i wouldn't suggest doing anything like
that.... :p

if you have control over your mail server you might be able to setup
something to reject the mail before it even enters your server.


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