Steve --

...and then Steve Kennedy said...
% Why does everyone send signed emails to the list, is it always
% necessary ?

It all depends on your point of view.  I feel that it is and sign
everything except for mail to a few recipients (conveniently noted 
by send-hooks, of course!).

% It slows reading down, and digests dont look so nice ...

I'm sorry for the sake of the digests (well, for that of their readers,
anyway), and that's one place where I would support stripping any
attachments (I'd hate to have to page through a digest with some of
these insane muttrc posts attached, for instance) even at the loss of
data or verifiability; the original message still exists in the archives
even if it's not presented in the digest and so it's not much of a loss.

Now, if the digest were actually a MIME encapsulation of a bunch of
messages and they were essentially read through the attachment browser,
there would be no need to strip attachments and the digests' appearance
wouldn't be affected, either, so I have to figure it's the same old
"paste-a-from-and-subject-and-then-the-text-into-one-big-email" method
that digests have been using for years.  My answer to that is "you should
have gotten the original messages" :-) even though that seems to not
work for some.

% I can understand that certain things should be signed, but it
% seems more than not are now signed.

But it's useful as well as being just plain good security practice...
Remember the virus that hit the list a while back, and the kudos to
those "who noted that it wasn't signed and so [he] didn't send it"?
Here we even have a working example in our experience...

% Steve
% -- 
% NetTek Ltd Flat 2, 43 Howitt Road, Belsize Park, London NW3 4LU, UK
% tel +44-(0)20 7483 1169  fax +44-(0)20 7483 2455   mob 07775 755503
% SMS steve-pager (at) [body] gpg 1024D/468952DB 2001-09-19

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Attachment: msg22451/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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