* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020108 18:18]: > Nick -- > > ...and then Nick Wilson said... > % > % Hi all > % When I pick up mails using Outlook I get 2 attachments. One containing > % my email message and the other the pgp signiture. > > Right. > > > % > % I was told that the pgp-outlook patch would correct this but I'm not > % having any luck. > > You have to both set $pgp_create_traditional (which is a stock part of > mutt) and $pgp_outlook_compat (which appears thanks to the patch).
Yeah, I was staying away from that as the manual said it was higly deprecated. I take it that the $pgp_outlook_compat sorts out the body of the email and the $pgp_create_traditional puts a --clearsign sig at the foot of the mail rather than attach it? > % > % What I'm looking for is someone that has maybe applied this patch to > % give me a hand as I'm not certain I'm doing it right. > > Something like > > tar xpfz mutt-1.3.25i.tar.gz > cd mutt-1.3.25 > patch < ../patch-1.3.15.sw.pgp-outlook.1 > ./configure > make Okay, I have tried this tar xzvf mutt.1.3.25i.tar.gz cd mutt-1.3.25 ./configure --enable-pop --enable-imap make make install .....and then patch -i patch-1.3.15.sw.pgp-outlook.1 (patch in same dir) ./configure --enable-pop --enable-imap make make install and that wasn't having an effect. I saw nothin in the man page for patch like what you've suggested (though i'm sure you are right)? > should get you started. You can see my 00.configure.sh and 00.makeme.sh > scripts on my build cocktail page for more detail; I set some options in > the configure script and apply all of the patches in the makeme script, > which then calls the configure script and then runs the make. [All of > those sections at the bottom of makeme are copy-n-paste fodder to answer > the questions from patch when it says "I can't find doc/muttrc.man; > what should I patch?" so that I don't have to type in 'doc/muttrc.man' > to tell it. *sigh* I hear that that's avoidable but now don't remember > the specifics and in any case haven't had time to dig into it...] As I'm sure you can see I'm really not that expert at compiling/patching and generally fiddling around so if there is a simple all-in-one idiots way to get all I need then let me have at it! I'd appreciate your comments on the difference between what I was trying and what you have suggested, inexperience does not mean I don't want to learn a trick or two :) Many thanks for your time on this -- Nick Wilson Tel: +45 3325 0688 Fax: +45 3325 0677 Web: www.explodingnet.com
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