Will, et al --

...and then Will Yardley said...
% Jonathan Irving wrote:
% > 
% > It's still an application/pgp message. 
% i've proposed to the dev list that this be changed before the next full
% release.  it seems silly to cling to a standard that was withdrawn, and
% that no other MUAs take advantage of / can read.

My general (but quite uninformed) opinion would be to go along with it
as long as it didn't break the mailers that currently do handle messages
sent with $p_c_t set as it is.  Has anyone poked around?  I'd hate to
have to find a $pgp_anythingbutoutlook_compat patch to talk non-MIME with
someone not stuck in Outhouse...

% since pgp/mime is the 'standard', at least the 'non-standard' and
% 'deprecated' way should work in a way that is useful.


% > As the various postings to this list suggest, if you're a mutt user
% > (I've heard there's one other mailer that supports OpenPGP, and
% > application/pgp is no more)
% well there aren't too many, but there are some.
% evolution (surprisingly) and sylpheed (IIRC) for *nix both have support
% for OpenPGP, and there's a plugin for becky! (on windoze) that can do
% this as well.

Good to know.

% <rant>
% the unfortunate reality is that most of the people who are doing stuff
% so... in the meantime, i think we need to make our client play nice with
% theirs.

Agreed.  $p_c_t and $p_o_c do that (with the possible limitation of using
a macro for non-plain-ascii or with-attachments messages), and it would
be nice if one setting could work for all of the non-MIME mailers out
that that will handle PGP/gpg anyway (eg not mailx and so on, where it
wouldn't really matter).

% 'use mutt' isn't really something i'm going to tell any of my family
% members anytime soon; ditto for most of my co-workers.

Unfortunately, that's probably a pretty common situation.

% </rant>


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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