
On Thursday Feb 07, 2002 Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:
> * and then Philip Mak declared....
> > I'm having trouble reading messages from people who don't wrap their
> > lines. They have it so that one paragraph is a very long line, but it
> No. hehe, but a nice gentlemen from 'the rolling hils of south carolina'
> sent me this handy little vim macro:
> map <C-l> {!}par 72^M}j

But this wouldn't do much of anything when reading a message in mutt
would it?  Or do you have your pager set as vim?


Christopher S. Swingley             phone: 907-474-2689
Computer / Network Manager          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IARC -- Frontier Program            GPG and PGP keys at my web page:
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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