On 06-Mar-02 at 17:11, Heiko Heil's inspired musing was thus :
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 10:29:48AM -0800, Bob McLaren wrote:
> >     So now what I am looking for is a simple SMTP client that is as
> > easy to use as Mutt, or, some alternative means of getting Mutt to 
> > talk to my remote smtp server.
> What about port-forwarding with ssh?
Two contradictions...

"as easy to use as Mutt"... ahem, well yes from a certain point of view Mutt
is easy to use don't flame me.

And then, if we need an easy solution... port forwarding with SSH... easy?

|-Simon White               # GIMPS current unit progress: 28.60% #-|
|-Internet Services Manager # > http://www.mersenne.org/prime.htm #-|
|-MTDS S.A. 14, rue 16 novembre   THIS SPACE   tel: +212.3.737.4861-|
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