On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 12:40:40PM -0500, Rob Reid wrote:
> At  8:42 PM EST on March 21 Gary Johnson sent off:

> > > And then if the message had a good reason to use HTML, I'd have to dig up
> > > how to *not* auto_view it, in order to send it to a real browser.  That's
> > > why I stopped using auto_view for html in the good old days before
> > > Microsoft bought hotmail.
> > 
> > That's what mutt's attachment menu is for.  Just type 'v' from the index
> > or pager and select the part of the message you want to view with a
> > browser.  My mailcap actually has these lines:
> > 
> >     #text/html; mutt_netscape %s; test=RunningX
> >     text/html; w3m %s; nametemplate=%s.html
> >     text/html; w3m -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
> Thanks.  What is mutt_netscape?  

Sorry about that.  mutt_netscape is a script I wrote to make a copy of
mutt's temporary file, then launch netscape on that file and return
immediately to mutt.  If you want to look at it, it's at


It also does what you describe later, i.e., it first tries to connect to
an existing netscape instance and if that fails, it starts a new
netscape instance.

> > I still prefer w3m as the browser because it is so much faster than
> > netscape, so I have the netscape line commented-out for now.

> As far as speed, this isn't from my mailcap, but I'm sure you'll get the gist:
> netscape "${}" & else netscape -remote "openURL(${})" 
> If something takes a long time to start, you probably only need to start it
> once, i.e. emacs/emacsclient.  Netscape's successor galeon does even better:
> just "galeon URL" does the right thing.  Unfortunately I haven't found a way to
> do the same with Konqueror.

The speed issue I was referring to was not the time to start, but the
time to render a page.  When a page contains tables, and graphic
embellishments, and those d***ed banner ads, it can take netscape an
annoyingly long time to render it.  W3m is much faster--the page just

I use w3m as much as I can, especially for reading articles and for
browsing familiar sites where I know I won't be missing anything by not
seeing the graphics.  Otherwise I use netscape.  I'd use one of the
newer graphical browsers instead, but building one on HP-UX doesn't
sound like fun.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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